April 26, 2010

Museum of FIT goes green

The topic of sustainability has been all the talk lately as Earth Day was just recently celebrated just last Friday, yet the "go green" conversations are not going anywhere anytime soon. The Museum of FIT will be launching a new exhibition on May 26th called "Eco-Fashion: Going Green," which will display over 100 garments, accessories and textiles showing contemporary methods of going green in compared to the past. Here is the Museum of FIT's description of the upcoming exhibit:
"The Museum at FIT presents Eco-Fashion: Going Green, an exhibition exploring the evolution of the fashion industry’s multifaceted and complex relationship with the environment. By examining the past two centuries of fashion’s good—and bad— environmental and ethical practices, Eco-Fashion: Going Green provides historical context for today’s eco-fashion movement. Presented chronologically and featuring more than 100 garments, accessories, and textiles, the exhibition uses contemporary methods for “going green” as a framework to study the past. The objects displayed touch upon at least one of six major themes: the re-purposing and recycling of materials, fiber origins, textile dyeing and production, quality of craftsmanship, labor practices, and the treatment of animals. Curated by Jennifer Farley and Colleen Hill, the exhibition features some of the finest examples of 21st-century sustainable fashions by current, cutting-edge labels, including Alabama Chanin, Edun, FIN, and NOIR."To learn more about upcoming exhibits at the Museum of FIT, both student and historical currated shows, check out their website or follow them on twitter for quick updates.

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