January 24, 2010

Teen Vogue Handbook

I fell across this interview with Teen Vogue's editor-in-chief, Amy Astley who gives an insight into the the Teen Vogue Handbook. This book was published by Teen Vogue and gives basic knowledge of stepping into the fashion industry.. what to expect, what to wear to an interview, how to get the career ball rolling, and most importantly how to realize if it is the right choice for you.

I also read this quote by Anna Wintour about the TV Handbook:
"Because of reality television and all these celebrities thinking they can be designers, everyone imagines that they can just become a designer, photographer, or model, but that's not the way things work," she says. "People have to go to school, learn their craft, and build a brand-that's the right, healthy way to do things. If you're an overnight sensation, you can be yesterday's news in no time, whereas building something slowly and carefully that has value and quality, that's what's going to have legs. You'd be amazed at how many people come in here, and they make perfectly nice clothes, but they don't understand how to differentiate their brand from another, or they don't have a business plan, or they don't know where to produce things. Don't run before you can crawl."

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